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CodeScene in your terminal

Improve focus and productivity with CodeScene in the command line.
No context switching. A better way to work.
Now exclusively available for CodeScene customers.

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Delta command

The delta command compares your current work against a previous state of your code, giving you insights into the changes made before submitting a PR or pushing to your Git repo. By identifying potential issues early, you can address them before they make it into the codebase.

CS Delta-1
Git hook

It is possible to integrate the CLI with your existing workflow by setting up Git hooks. You can for example configure a pre-commit hook to automatically run the delta command every time you make a new commit, ensuring earlier feedback and allowing you to take action before pushing your changes to the remote repository.

Run cs help git-hooks for more information on adding a git hook.

Git commit-1
Check command

The check command gives you CodeScene's Code Health analysis in a linter-style format. Seamlessly integrate this analysis into any editor that supports configuring external tools and get insights into Code Health issues within your favorite development environment. We have examples for Vim and Emacs.

Check command-Apr-18-2023-11-27-52-5029-AM
Review Command

When you need a closer look at a specific file, that's where the review command shines. Analyze a single file with precision. Both the delta and review commands offer an output format option, providing you with the flexibility to tailor the results to your liking.


The delta command compares your current work against a previous state of your code, giving you insights into the changes made before submitting a PR or pushing to your Git repo. By identifying potential issues early, you can address them before they make it into the codebase.

CS Delta-1

It is possible to integrate the CLI with your existing workflow by setting up Git hooks. You can for example configure a pre-commit hook to automatically run the delta command every time you make a new commit, ensuring earlier feedback and allowing you to take action before pushing your changes to the remote repository.

Run cs help git-hooks for more information on adding a git hook.

Git commit-1

The check command gives you CodeScene's Code Health analysis in a linter-style format. Seamlessly integrate this analysis into any editor that supports configuring external tools and get insights into Code Health issues within your favorite development environment. We have examples for Vim and Emacs.

Check command-Apr-18-2023-11-27-52-5029-AM

When you need a closer look at a specific file, that's where the review command shines. Analyze a single file with precision. Both the delta and review commands offer an output format option, providing you with the flexibility to tailor the results to your liking.


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Install scripts

Linux, macOS and Windows (if WSL)

The install script will download the binary, move it to ~/.local/bin and make it executable. If ~/.local/bin is not in the user's PATH, it will be added.

It works if your shell is one of: bash, zsh or fish

curl | sh



Windows (powershell)

The powershell script downloads the windows binary, and moves it to $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Programs\CodeScene and makes executable. 

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '


Note, on non-server editions of Windows, the script execution policy is set to Restricted by default, and script execution is disabled. It can be enabled with:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
This allows for the execution of trusted scripts downloaded from the internet, and all local scripts. In our case the script is considered a local file.

Manual install

You can also download the binary and do this manually:

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New visual identity
New website
new product interface
CodeScene just got a new look!

The new identity revolves around our vision to “give code an intelligent voice” and reflects our forward-looking culture. The new logo reinforces the idea of artificial intelligence and CodeScene being there as an extra team member, guiding you toward better software and teams.

The new website presents relevant content in a clean, minimalistic and modern way with an aim to give visitors easy access to solutions and information.

We are proud to share this new identity with our community and hope that it will inspire all of us to write better code, build happier teams and future proof our software.