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Terms and Privacy

Terms, Privacy & Confidentiality

In this section you can find all the key documents that describe the terms on which we serve you, and the frameworks that we use to govern your privacy and confidentiality.



Our Privacy Policy is relevant to everyone who deals with us, and can be found here: Privacy Policy


Terms & Conditions

The terms on which we provide all of our software products and services are described here: Terms & Conditions.

For customers of our cloud services, the relevant data processing agreement is included as an appendix to these terms.

CodeScene is intended to be used for internal business purposes, but in certain circumstances permission may be given for customers to use it externally, by signing an addendum to our standard terms: External Use Addendum. Please contact sales@codescene.com if you are interested in buying CodeScene for external use.



Where we conduct analysis for customers or run bespoke workshops, we describe how we protect the Confidentiality of information you may give us access to here: Non disclosure agreement


Trade Compliance

We follow the guidance of the Financial Action Task Force and the US Export Administration Regulations to govern which countries we do business with. You can find details of the FATF High Risk and “Monitored” jurisdictions here, and further information about the US EAR here


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