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CodeScene CLI tool

CodeScene in your terminal

Improve focus and productivity with CodeScene in the command line. No context switching, better code quality


Get CodeScene where you work

Automate code reviews

Delta command

The delta command compares your current work against a previous state of your code, giving you insights into the changes made before submitting a PR or pushing to your Git repo. By identifying potential issues early, you can address them before they make it into the codebase.

CS Delta-1
Git commit-1

Configurable for how you work

Git Hook

It is possible to integrate the CLI with your existing workflow by setting up Git hooks. You can for example configure a pre-commit hook to automatically run the delta command every time you make a new commit, ensuring earlier feedback and allowing you to take action before pushing your changes to the remote repository. Run cs help git-hooks for more information on adding a git hook.

Configurable for how you work

Git Hook

It is possible to integrate the CLI with your existing workflow by setting up Git hooks. You can for example configure a pre-commit hook to automatically run the delta command every time you make a new commit, ensuring earlier feedback and allowing you to take action before pushing your changes to the remote repository. Run cs help git-hooks for more information on adding a git hook.

Git commit-1

Run analysis as you code

Check command

The check command gives you CodeScene's Code Health analysis in a linter-style format. Seamlessly integrate this analysis into any editor that supports configuring external tools and get insights into Code Health issues within your favorite development environment. We have examples for Vim and Emacs.

Check command by CodeScene's IDE Extension in Terminal showing a warning with issue in a file.

Developer Hub

Browse more dev resources

AI Coding Assistants: Introducing CodeScene AI Generated Code Refactoring

AI Coding Assistants: Introducing CodeScene AI Generated Code Refactoring

AI Coding Assistants: Let's introduce you to AI generated code refactoring. Read more and join the Beta testing program.

Change coupling: visualize the cost of change

Change coupling: visualize the cost of change

Code can be hard to understand due to excess accidental complexity. Or, it can look simple, yet its behavior is anything but due to complex...

CodeScene's IDE Extension brings CodeHealth™ Analysis directly into your editor

CodeScene's IDE Extension brings CodeHealth™ Analysis directly into your...

We've just launched an IDE Extension for VS Code, helping developers tackle code complexity within the editor. Read more and try it out!

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