Measure the Code Health of your Codebase: a continuous feedback loop for...
Code Health scale goes from 10, healthy code that’s relatively easy to understand and evolve, down to 1, which indicates code with...
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Code Health scale goes from 10, healthy code that’s relatively easy to understand and evolve, down to 1, which indicates code with...
How to Visualize Technical Debt and Code Refactoring Progress to Management? Meet a senior software engineer who successfully...
Conway's Law states that an organization's communication structure should be reflected in the architecture of the software it...
Tech debt management - visualize the business impact of technical debt and how to communicate the effects of improvements to...
CodeScene is included in the GitHub Student Developer Pack. This means that CodeScene is available for free to every student...
The code health score lets you identify and measure technical debt. Know your hotspots and the direction your code is moving in....
The importance of Code Quality and how Code Quality issues can be predicted before the code is even written. Find real, growing...
CodeScene's behavioral code analysis helps in prioritizing technical debt. According to recent research, the results outperform...
Behavioral code analysis identifies patterns in how a development organization interacts with the codebase they are building.
Brooks's Law visualized. How can you measure trends in development output with respect to the number of contributing authors?
The CodeScene code analysis tool introduces the concept of augmented analysis, which lets you add contextual information to the...
Empear, the product company behind CodeScene, celebrates its 3-year anniversary, a significant event as around 30% of startups...